
Chapters 2, 3, & 4


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A ONE-TIME PURCHASE PLAN with which you can read all the blogs (17 – 40) from chapters 2, 3, & 4.
The List of topics from each chapter are,

Chapter 2: The ‘Soul’ of Spirituality

The Beginning
The Reality of Siddhas
Primordial Energy
Atoms and Elements
Life and Soul
Astral Bodies, Auras and the Balance
Breakup of the Soul
The Unified Soul
Conscious Energy?

Chapter 3: Senses and Consciousness

The Beginning
The 5 Senses
The Sixth Sense
The Mind
Subconscious and Conscious
The Windows of Time
Human Thoughts and Emotions
The Effect on the Soul
Causality of the Mind

Chapter 4: Chaos and Order

The Beginning
Cause(s) and Effect(s)
Causality of ‘Life’ or Life of ‘Causality’?
The Good and the Bad
Fate and Relativity Theory
Past is Present, and the Present is Future
Extra-Terrestrial Karma
Types and Times of Karma
The Afterlife
Heaven, Hell and in Between
The Next Lives
The Order of ‘God’?

You will receive the links and the passwords to the secure blogs directly in your inbox, once you subscribe to the plan.
Enjoy the reads! Do share your comments about the posts.

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1 review for Chapters 2, 3, & 4

  1. Rajendran

    Nice. 👌😃

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