If the ego factor is controlled in the future and humankind moves on to form an egalitarian society, at the collective level, there’ll still be a lot of questions left for man to seek answers to.
Like we saw earlier, science had understood only 5 percent of the known universe with the rest of it remaining a complex mystery. This goes along with the words of Werner Heisenberg, “The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you.”
Questions like, how reality looks for the entire human species collectively, and even further, for all life forms together, keeps cropping up! Since so far all we have learnt is from individual perspectives and we have not yet completely understood reality and its events from interpersonal perspectives and inter-being perspectives. These questions can be answered by sciences in the long run, but until then, there’ll always be people who will expect the answers (soon) from Gods. By then, the idea of worshipping Gods would be long gone, but only a reverence towards the entity will prevail.
If man moves on even further and evolves into the seventh sense, he won’t view the energy as the God. At that point, a new question would gain more importance than it has now, the purpose of existence; the reason why the energy exists in reality, the reason that won’t reveal itself until the last second of our lives, the reason why reality even exists in the first place, for it need not have existed at all. When people become mature enough to reach this stage, they will probably be divided, with some searching for the purpose of existence through science or spirituality, and the others revering the purpose as God.
On the other hand, if suddenly all life forms go extinct from our planet and life starts over again from single-cellular and single-sensed organisms, the questions that come to the minds of life forms with the sixth sense will be, ‘where am I, why am I here and what’s the point of all this?’ By searching for the answers, the sentient being will naturally think that a conscious entity like him could’ve created all this in the past and the entity could be watching him from above the skies!
Thus, ‘God’ is an intangible idea that evolves with time, a concept that can’t be taken away easily. People may come and go, their fates may be uncertain and their deaths certain in some form or the other. Time may erase the identities of people giving the ideas, but the ideas don’t die with them, they evolve forever. The ideas’ effects on the society may be effective or detrimental; their values, depending on people’s morality, can be right or wrong, and their importance, maximum or minimal.
This product of thoughts keeps pushing humanity into the future, affecting and effecting the chaotic order that is vibrant with diversity at all levels of existence and they finally define the very process of life.
Therefore, the concept of ‘God’ stays with us forever and it is up to us to use the idea for our own wellbeing or our own destruction.
All this confusion about God and reality; maybe our perspective about consciousness makes us think the energy isn’t conscious. Maybe, it is the other way around; our passive response to the fates isn’t life, but the energy itself is the actual life of reality! Maybe this is why the ancient philosophers put a ceiling on energy as God.
Maybe they understood man will never be ready to comprehend the infinite reality and understand its purpose. Maybe they thought, through this ceiling of ideas man would evolve into a sensible being in the future. Maybe they hoped for a good future, but the human nature has made their worst fears come true. Maybe this is why the Buddha remained silent on the question of God. Maybe he knew, by choosing either of the answers, yes or no, man’s ego would lead him down the path that would finally lead to us. Maybe we are the future that the Buddha and other philosophers were afraid of. Or maybe, things are going in the right way, and we are just being sceptical.
Only time, no, energy knows all the answers!
Chapters 5, 6, & 7Product on sale₹299
Chapters 2, 3, & 4Product on sale₹199
Chapter 7. GodProduct on sale₹125
Chapter 6. EnergyProduct on sale₹120
Chapter 5. TimeProduct on sale₹90
Chapter 4. Chaos & OrderProduct on sale₹100
Chapter 3. Senses & ConsciousnessProduct on sale₹90
Chapter 2. The ‘Soul’ of SpiritualityProduct on sale₹90