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74. What can we do?

The idea of ‘God’ is not something that disappears easily. The reason is that people don’t just believe in Gods based on religions and their scriptures. Like we saw, there are several layers in which the ‘God’ factor acts in our lives.

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At a personal level, some people want answers for all their questions about reality and existence; some want hope, some want to feel secure by believing in a higher power watching over them, some want to be furious over it for their troubles and for many other reasons. At the interpersonal level, people want a God to maintain fraternal relations within the society. At a collective level, as societies, some people want the God to guide humanity into the future.

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The atheists have been stalking Gods and religions only at the collective and interpersonal levels. At these levels, the multitude of religions and the presence of cunning minds in the society keep the societies divided. Even if they manage to burn down the very idea of Gods and religions, some other factor always crops up to divide the people and keep them fighting against each other.

Contemporary examples of this are numerous; people are divided based on their race, colour, languages and what not. The probability that any of the above factors can turn people ignorant to the core and divide them to the extreme of killing each other always remains high.

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At the personal level, a lot more factors raise the idea of a God, and it will take a long time for the atheists to identify each and every one of them, let alone eliminate them. For example, no atheist is courageous enough to console a grieving man who has just lost his son in a bomb strike, by saying there’s no God and it is all because of chance he lost his son, while a spiritual person can never console the man by explaining karma and causality to him.

All the man needs by then is a chance that a higher power exists above, watching over the heinous atrocities and if there’s a chance the power could turn back time, or let him punish the people responsible for his grief or even takes his life along with his son’s. No matter how loud the comfort-zone atheists argue, they can never take away God from this level of the mind.

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The atheists constantly fail to understand that the religions or the Gods are not the real problems of humanity. The personal notions of God don’t aim to turn men against each other. It is the idea of inequality acting between men that is the real problem. The ego which is responsible for the cunning attitude in people makes us treat our fellow humans unequally.

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As long as diversity and uniqueness are viewed by ego-filled minds as opportunities for inequality, humankind will keep fighting within itself. And this will happen in one way or the other. So the real target for the atheists is not Gods or even religions, but the psychological problem of ego.

In some ways, it is this ego that is responsible for the idea of worship in humans.The thought of inequality and a submissive fear of a greater unknown factor make people fall on their knees every time they hear about Gods.

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