Blogs from The Concept of 'God'

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Protected: 7. The Eukaryotes/Gravity and the Fusion

By Vinoth | 16 April 2021

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Protected: 6. Matter, Antimatter and the Subatomic Universe/The Diversity of Atoms

By Vinoth | 16 April 2021

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Protected: 5. The Singularity and the Big Bang

By Vinoth | 16 April 2021

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Protected: 4. Cells, Atoms & Molecules

By Vinoth | 15 April 2021

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Protected: 3. Living

By Vinoth | 15 April 2021

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Protected: 2. The Working Reality of Science

By Vinoth | 14 April 2021

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The ‘Science’ of Reality

By Vinoth | 12 April 2021

1. The Beginning ‘Who am I?‘, ‘Where am I?’ and, ‘Why am I here?’ are some normal thoughts any average man or woman living in the 21st century might have in the shower. Most of us take these thoughts in a lighter sense, move on and face our day. We go to our jobs, get …

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The Concept of ‘God’ – Preface

By Vinoth | 10 April 2021

Any discussion about God usually involves a raging comparison of different religions across the world. These discussions normally end with saying all religions speak of the same omnipotent conscious entity to have created reality and life. And all religions refer to this entity in varying names. On the other hand, religions themselves depend upon a …

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The Concept of ‘God’ – The Series

By Vinoth | 8 April 2021

About The Blog Series It takes only 21 days for us to develop a habit. But it takes even lesser time to get the habit of Reading! Are you looking for a new entertainment? YouTube, Web Series, Movies are getting a bit boring, aren’t they? What you need is a new hobby to spend your …

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Practicing the Pause

By Vinoth | 8 March 2021 How many times in our lives have we regretted about losing control in a situation and doing something we regret? Be it getting angry at the people we love and saying or doing something that hurt them or even being rude to complete strangers wh might have needed our help genuinely. ‘I was in …

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The Pet Plant

By Vinoth | 16 January 2021

Many of us are used to having pets. They could be pups, kittens, birds, rabbits, guinea pigs, lambs, calfs, or sometimes chameleons like in the movie ‘Tangled’. But, people seldom have plants as their pets. When someone does have a pet plant, people look at them like they are crazy, talking to the leaves and …

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An Overdose of Rationality

By Vinoth | 2 January 2021

‘Don’t eat that, it’s against our religion!’, ‘Don’t do that, our religion forbids that!’, ‘Don’t wear that dress, it’s not our culture, it’s theirs!’  ‘Don’t talk to them, they belong to that caste!’, ‘Don’t trust them, they belong to that religion!’. Are you used to hearing these words? Is your religion controlling so much of …

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