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The Concept of ‘God’ – The Series

About The Blog Series

It takes only 21 days for us to develop a habit. But it takes even lesser time to get the habit of Reading!

Are you looking for a new entertainment? YouTube, Web Series, Movies are getting a bit boring, aren’t they? What you need is a new hobby to spend your time, that is, Reading! And, we can help you get into habit in an easy and exciting way!

From AuthorVinoth.com, we give you The Blog Series, an exclusively designed reading series that will help you start reading, right on your phone. It takes just 15 minutes everyday to read a blog, but when you do it everyday, you will start loving to read more. What could begin from our blogs will help you explore the world of books, for many years to come!

So, let’s start reading, shall we?

Here’s how it works,

With beautiful images and illustrations, each blog is designed to make you more inquisitive and entertained while you read. The Blog Series is an initiative by Author Vinoth & Team to spread the ideas from the book, The Concept of ‘God’, to every eager mind in the world. The blogs are more colorful than the book, but as smart as it too!

With the 7 chapters from the book divided into 75 blogs, you will experience the book, chapter by chapter, & topic by topic in our ad-free website, delving deeper and deeper into it. One Blog at a time!

You can get acquainted with this by reading through The Preface in the next blog, and continue to the first blog, The Beginning.

Also, you can Subscribe to the Chapter – 1 The ‘Science’ of Reality for FREE, & get all the blogs from the chapter in your Mail!
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Happy Reading!
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About The Concept of ‘God’

God – the supernatural being, the perfect, the omnipotent and the omniscient originator, and ruler of the universe – is the object of worship in almost all religions across the world. Usually, people understand God through the religions they’re born in. This way, they get to learn how and why their Gods created reality and put them in it.

The Concept of 'God'
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But is this the only possible way to understand this entity?

What if one takes an alternate route to understand God? What if one first understands the reality God created – the reality that everything and everyone’s a part of – and then identifies the entity itself? Reality includes everything around and inside it, and inevitably includes us. Understanding the reality requires a metaphysical analysis of life and the universe. And metaphysics reaches an incredibly new level if the knowledge of the Western sciences is merged with the everlasting ideas of the Eastern spiritual philosophies!

With multiple perspectives making the reader constantly inquisitive, The Concept of ‘God’ merges the knowledge of science and spirituality to understand the nature of life and reality and then finds out who the all-powerful God is!

The Concept of 'God'
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TCoG – Chapters

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