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61. Aliens/ Time Travel

The occurrence of life on any planet across the universe is easily possible and also inevitable, and this is becoming a well-known fact by now. The form, the physical structure of the life forms may differ from that of our own, but the evolution of the senses in the specific order (from ‘touch’ to ‘time’) can be certain.

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The conditions of ecosystems in any other planet helps its life forms to evolve their physical bodies to suit their needs and threats. Also, the astral body will always evolve to sustain the energy balance. With life beginning on Earth as early as 4 billion years ago and the universe being 13.8 billion years old, the possibility that six-sensed life forms appeared on the universe much before the formation of our solar system is irrefutable.

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Another possibility is that life may begin on any and many planets across the universe right now (our time). If six-sensed beings existed on another planet, even before we came into the picture, what could have happened to them? Could they have evolved into seven-sensed beings and progressed even further? We may never know because the universe is so vast and constantly expanding and time being relative, if any alien life form sets out to find us and travels through space, he or she might end up at a time different than ours; this is the Fermi paradox.

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The chances that a sentient being reaches us in our and his/her present time being pretty slim, what could happen if the event ever so happens? If you think he would come to invade us for our resources, you are watching too many Hollywood movies. This is just a reflection of the Western world’s self-centric perspective about life. Any being which has developed technologies that can cut across time and space can seek resources from any planet of its liking, let alone Earth. If such beings are ever contacted with, we can expect them to be just as curious as we are about the understanding of reality we and they live in. We sure can hope to learn from them, if and when they ever find us.

Time Travel

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From our perspective of our universe and time, the idea of travelling through time into the cosmological past doesn’t work. Time is a highly relative notion that depends on energy’s momentum (as mass). Any consciousness that attempts to travel into cosmological past will be obstructed by its own arrow(s) of time. The ‘time’ for a consciousness begins on the day it first steps into reality (when it is born), all its arrows of time flow along the cosmological time.

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To jump from the present time and into any point (past) in the cosmological time requires stopping the flow of a person’s time (in the present), jumping to the past and starting its flow again there. Not only does it sound confusing, but it is very hard to achieve such a feat, because the personal arrow(s) have a shorter length than the cosmological arrow.

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If a person manages to pause his time flow (would he even know he exists when his time stops?) and travel back into the past, he wouldn’t cross the day and time at which he was born, since it was at that moment, he as a product of energy, got shape in reality. Before his time, the energy (mass and forces) making him up had a different form, the atoms making him could’ve been part of a plant or sand or even dissolved in water! The energy in the past is conserved.

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Even if the curvature of our universe allows us to bend the space-time continuum and allows us to travel to the past, we would find the atoms making us existing in a different state. But the law of conservation of mass wouldn’t allow the same particles to exist in 2 different points at the same time frame! What’s possible is that if we travel to the past, we would get stuck in some other plane of existence, and we would be able to observe the past, but not interfere with its flow, and when the time reaches our present time frame, the barrier between the past and the future breaks down pulling us into the time continuum again!

This means travelling to our past to change it, is quite hard. But, there’s an alternate way to change it. It is by changing our perspective about it!

But to travel into the future, time dilation allows a person to experience more time (cosmological time) in a short duration (personal time) like we saw before. And then there’s pausing psychological time through meditation. These processes help us flow into the future, much more than our normal length of life.

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