The energy medium can give rise to parallel universes. But the nature of the universes can vary, and it depends upon the initial conditions they began or begin or will begin with.
Our universe started after pressure built-up on a point in the energy medium. This pressure led to heat and finally the hot singularity. The probability that the same event starts on another point in the energy medium is high. Equally probable are the situations where the initial conditions may vary dramatically.

If suddenly the energy medium expanded instead of compressing itself, a void is created at the centre of the expanding field, and it gradually expands as space, and energy with its aqueous property permeates into the expanding space. The energy could accelerate and reach up to vibration or even mass level, but there’s not enough momentum to create the forces. In such universe(s) only the subatomic particles would be roaming about its space, initially. The particles and their antiparticles will be formed at the edges of that universe with each of them creating their own notions of time, and consequently, the matter and antimatter randomly collide and annihilate each other and get converted into energy again!

Or a singularity like our own could’ve exploded into a Big Bang, but the particle formation could’ve leaned towards the antimatter side (an anti-baryogenesis) and led to an abundance of antiparticles. This could’ve evolved into an antimatter universe, where six-sensed living beings could’ve named our conventional particles as antiparticles and our antiparticles could be called particles there.
Another possibility is that a singularity the size of our universe can get shape in the energy medium and it may go on and explode to form a super large universe whose atoms may be the size our universe. What if such a universe exists outside in the energy medium?
These and any other universe could exist outside our universe in the energy medium, but the form, the properties, the levels of momentum and the laws of physics generated into those universes may vary, relatively.
The Grand Illusion

We are sitting here on a tiny speck of dust floating on an infinitely vast cosmos and studying the universe. Let’s give a thought about how the universe would look like if we see from outside it. All the events from the beginning and until the end of time (the space-time continuum), which includes us, our lives and our futures, are just a repercussion to the action we call the Big Bang!

With energy being the source of everything we observe and go through, a macroscopic view of our universe would appear as energy becoming mass and forces streaming through space in all directions reaching the point where mass and forces get converted back into energy. With particles interacting with each other randomly, and some particles arranging themselves into self-sustaining units having a time of their own, the universe would appear as a three-dimensional maze of energy (mass) colourfully floating inside a static, dimensionless medium. Our consciousness appears like a factor of mere experience, trapped within the multi-dimensional maze (or) a hologram of energy, which forms a really grand illusion.

This makes reality questionable to be called a reality, and we are not part of an illusion, but we are the illusion itself. With perception and relativity in our understanding, we’ll confine ourselves to the consciousnesses in the illusion. If the universe is an illusion of energy, and we a part of it, what’s then, real?
It is the present second of consciousness we experience with our own arrows of time. All the energy we perceive through our senses at this one present second (not the past and definitely not the future) of the existence we live through with total consciousness is the only possible reality in this ever persisting illusion. And, so comes the saying, ‘live in the moment’.
With our understanding that we and our consciousnesses are products of energy, what or which entity can be referred to be the creator of this grand illusion?

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