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73. A Hopeful Future

Right now, human life on earth is going through very rapid changes. With stress from the society around us, most of us, the half-thinking generations have started turning towards religions and Gods for relief.

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Having gained some knowledge about the reality throughout sciences, religious scriptures seems to make some sense to them. Spiritual ideas about life and reality that were borrowed to form these scriptures make sense to these half-thinkers who’ve started claiming there’s science behind their religions. They don’t realise there’s no such thing as ‘science behind (or) above (or) below religions’. Only a set of norms and values mixed with ideas from spirituality to give the readers some interesting tales of human imagination.

So a kind of religious revivalism is happening right now through the half-thinking neo-weaklings who on the outside claim there’s no God, but secretly hope their religions and Gods would save them.

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In this rapidly changing world, the cunning minds have adopted themselves too. Nowadays they don’t just hide inside religions but have penetrated into spirituality. God-men and God-women claiming to have seen God are luring people by promising people they would give them hope and show them the God. They claim themselves to be liberal in their stand in society, and not all of them are. Sadly, these God-people are seldom truthful, and most of them drain out people’s little-left faith in spirituality and its ideas.

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The strong-minded science enthusiasts who have gained the name atheists, upon seeing all this, have started hating the very idea of God. For them, what started as an anti-God thought has now escalated so much to the point that if there ever was a conscious person as God, they would chop him into pieces! Intercultural contacts are growing rapidly between countries even when borders between them are getting thicker every day.

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Knowledge about spirituality and its ideas have spread among people across the world, but their half-thinking minds keep them focusing only on the material, physical level. These people seldom realise the immaterial energy level, and they still keep searching for truths behind the past relics and scriptures. None of these groups of people, the religious, spiritual, scientific and the atheists realise the importance of the future that lies ahead of us. So, what can lie ahead of us?

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With a lot of factors influencing the present to shape up the future, it is like we know, impossible to foresee the future with precision. But we can guess what might happen. With people across the world getting trained through the materialistic Western system, both educationally and culturally, the perspectives of the global population will keep shrinking. A self-centric, self-righteous attitude that keeps shrinking their view about the world to themselves will set in.

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The half-thinking population will gradually lose the ability to think deeply (deep thinking is not the same as overthinking). This shallow thinking process is the exact opposite direction of evolution of life. Over time, we should be able to think and process different perspectives at the same time; multi-tasking, as it is known. If our current trend keeps going, maybe in the next century the general population will lose their ability to form a coherent stream of thoughts, and they will start to passively react to everything around them like animals. The only difference between animals and humans then will be the ability to speak (or scream) a language.

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When humankind reaches this point in near future, people will realise the importance of life and human values. They will then step into the spiritual realm with more knowledge about reality through sciences. The ideas about the current religions and Gods won’t disappear right away but will linger on in people’s minds, but they will be forgotten soon with the coming generations. The spiritual masters who may train the people will be revered by the weak minds, while the strong focus only on the practices.

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When the old religions completely disappear, the border between sciences and spirituality will break down, and in about 5 or 6 centuries, there’ll be no trace of our religions left. But the psychology of people won’t change this fast, the notions of God will always stay in people’s minds. The new Gods then will be the spiritual masters & the scientists while the stories repeat again.

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A millennium later, when science progresses even further, the ideas of spirituality will only act in the minds of people while their practices will be abandoned. Spiritual ideas will be given scientific explanations and the line separating science from spirituality will get thinner. Science will take over the world and the people will be divided into a minimum of 2 groups, a smart group which questions the past and wonders why we primitive beings worshipped energy instead of harnessing it and the other weak group which will be fighting over the question, ‘Who was a better God, Isaac Newton or Albert Einstein?’.

That is, there won’t be any religions in the future, but only Gods. This might seem contrary to the popular atheist belief that religions and Gods will disappear gradually with the growth of sciences. In the long run, this scenario is highly probable.

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